DisplayMate Professional
is a DOS based comprehensive video system hardware
diagnostic that tests every aspect of the computer's video system including:
monitor, video board hardware and registers, Video BIOS, and Video Data Areas.
It is our top-of-the-line diagnostic utility and supports
high-resolution SuperVGA modes, enhanced documentation and report generation,
and Command Scripts to automate the program execution.
The DOS environment is necessary in order to test the video hardware directly,
but it can launch from Windows.
DisplayMate Professional
shows how to set up, tune-up, test, evaluate, and adjust
video displays and adapters for
optimum image quality, performance, comfort, and productivity.
- It is an advanced and more powerful version of DisplayMate for DOS
that includes support for VESA SuperVGA modes,
advanced documentation and report generation,
and Command Scripts to automate the program execution.
- Shows how to set up, tune-up, test, evaluate, and adjust
video displays and adapters for
optimum image quality, performance, comfort, and productivity.
Available on Floppy Disk or CD:
Quantity 1 Price with two Printed Manuals is $249.
- It has
of the
DisplayMate for DOS Features
the following additional capabilities listed below:
High Resolution SuperVGA Modes
- Thorough testing of high-resolution displays and adapters.
Run any of the available 300+ tests in any of the 30 supported video modes.
- Supports all VESA compatible SuperVGA graphics modes:
800 x 600, 1024 x 768,
1280 x 1024 in both 16 and 256 colors (18-bit color),
plus 640 x 480 and 640 x 400 in 256 colors.
- Supports all hardware refresh rates in
both interlaced and non-interlaced modes.
- Measures scan frequencies and timings, interlacing,
refresh rates, dot clock rates
and required video bandwidth for all video modes.
Non-standard values are flagged.
Comprehensive Reports and Test Logs
- Produces a complete set of Reports and Test Logs that can be printed
or saved to disk, making it easy to fully document the tests and the results.
- Reports include: Hardware Information, Test Log,
Test Rating and Data Analysis, plus the following
individual reports for every video mode: Speed Performance,
Compatibility, Timing, Screen Distortion, Mode Information,
Video Data Area.
- The Test Log provides a listing of the tests performed and includes:
the test name,
the test colors and other parameters,
test numerical rating and user comments.
- Computes and tabulates statistics for the numerical ratings of the tests
in the Test Rating and Data Analysis Report.
Automation and Comprehensive Control of Test Procedures
- A Playback mode that stores your keystrokes and command sequences
in a file and then repeats them on demand, making it easy to produce
demos and custom test suites.
- User defined Command Scripts, similar to DOS Batch files,
allow you to customize, completely control, and
even fully automate DisplayMate, without the need to use
the interactive menus, by using a simple and easy-to-use set of commands.
- Six sample Command Scripts are included, use them as templates
for your own scripts:
Initialization Script,
Interactive Menus,
Trade Show Demo,
Test Lab and Service Demo,
Set of Reports Script,
and Function Key Assignment Script.
- Up to 40 user-defined Function keys allow any command sequence to be executed
by the press of a button.
Use it, for example, to conveniently call up frequently
used tests or video modes or to produce commonly needed reports.
- Includes two Manuals with 536 pages of documentation:
- A 384 page Manual that describes all of the standard
DisplayMate for DOS capabilities and a video technology
section "Everything You Need to Know About Video Systems."
- A 152 page Manual describing all of the advanced
capabilities of the Professional product.
- Computer Shopper called the DisplayMate Professional Manual
"one of the finest technical manuals available."
Hardware and Operating Systems
- Runs on all PC compatible systems from the original IBM PC with an 8088
processor up though the latest Pentium and compatible processors.
- Supports the following video boards: MDA, CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA, and VESA SuperVGA.
Also supports Hercules Monochrome and InColor boards.
- For SuperVGA modes,
a VESA compatible SuperVGA adapter card with a VESA compatible SuperVGA BIOS.
All SuperVGA cards come with a VESA BIOS either built-in or as a
TSR utility on the Software Drivers disk supplied with the board.
- Runs under DOS versions 2.0 or later
and under DOS emulation modes in Windows XP, Windows'95/98/Me,
Windows NT/2000, Windows 3.1x, and OS/2
List of Tests and Test Patterns
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